Me in a nutshell
Don’t worry, I promise I won’t write about myself in the third person. 😉
I’m a Switzerland-based IT guy that kind of specialises in cloud computing. Since 2007, I’ve worked in different roles at a range of tech companies and corporations. I started as a Linux Engineer and then worked as a consultant in the good old Microsoft System Center and the at that time emerging Azure Cloud space. After that I had the privilege to accompany the development and operation of public cloud platforms in large enterprises as a product owner and product manager. I enjoy the challenge of solving complex customer problems from planning all the way through to implementation.
I am passionate about technology and it amazes me how it massively influences the world to run faster and more efficiently. I enjoy sharing my knowledge and enthusasm for technology by tweeting, blogging and speaking at events. I believe in the power of the collective and that’s why i like to get involved in the community. Be it as co-organizer of the Azure Bootcamp Switzerland, the Azure Bern User Group or in the board of the local sports club. Since 2016, I have regularly received the MVP Award from Microsoft for this commitment to the community.
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